Bill I have absolutely no wiring diagram of your tractor nor of that particular switch, so can only say from experience how similar type switches work in similar applications THEREFORE if someone with a real diagram or experience in that tractor says different BELIEVE THEM OVER ME. GENERIC START/IGNITION SWITCH WIRING BAT is the hot input voltage terminal (power for the switch) which often derives its voltage from the load (NOT to battery/starter) side of an ammeter. That same electrical equivalent point could be the BAT terminal on a Voltage Regulator or the hot unswitched (where big battery cable is) side of a starter solenoid or switch IGN is what feeds the coil when switch is in the ON and Start (spring) positions ACC is used to feed lights or other accessories even when the ignition is NOT turned on so the coil dont get hot if you just wanna use lights or listen ro radio etc etc. UNMARKED or raised center terminal often feeds the starter solenoid (via any neutral safety switch etc) and its hot ONLY when youre down in the held turned spring position to start the cranking motor. This is for one of those switches where you turn it to the max right CW position and against spring pressure to engage the starting motor John T Nordhoff in Indiana, retired electrical engineer