Hi David and Jeff David. I have opted to leave the float arm pointing back for now, as the chance to it would hit the end of the tank is too high the other way around plus it would be pointing 72° around from staight ahead. I'll just be carefull when filling up to full as to not catch the arm when withdrawing the nozzle. Jeff. The 165 Diesel that I have is the British build model and it has a cut out in the top of the bonnet/hood that is covered by the hinged lid and the sender is just forward of the filler neck, clean all the build up of dust and rubbish that collects on top of the tank so none drops inside when you work on it, and all you need then is a couple of flat bladed screw drivers, having a thin one for the front screw is helpful, which on mine is slightly under the edge of the bonnet and to undo it easliy after loosening with the heavier blade . The gadge was also faulty so I have pulled it apart, a very tedious job, it was full of corrosion and found that it has two coils inside with one being open circuit, when trying it only placed the needle on the E mark (empty) and didn't operate over the rest of the scale, the round filing cabinet for it and another gadge ordered. Cheers Arthur from Tassy