Ok, I posted about this on Tractor Talk, but I realized I bungled up in how I worded everything...I was bush-hogging yesterday when I hit something with the Bushhog and the Tractor stopped. I tried to restart it and it acted like it had no juice. I also jiggled the wires like I have to do sometime to get the tractor to fire up. I took a nap and came back to my tractor and jiggled the wires again. This time the voltage regulator jumped to life and I turned the ignition and tried to start it over. There was a blue spark in the starter and the fan belt was turning but it acted like it wasn't getting fuel - this is with the choke pulled out and the throttle all the way. I suspected the fuel line was/might be clogged because when my valve cover gasket failed (a weeks back), the fuel filter had plugged up with varnish - so I put sea foam in the gas tank when the tractor came home (two and a half weeks ago) to try and get rid of the varnish. I also put gas in the tank Monday (I didn't fill it up) which is why I might suspect its the fuel line... I didn't get a chance to tinker with the carberator yet because it was dark and I didn't have a screwdriver on me to try and see if gas was coming out of the bowl either. Just to reiterate, the fan belt spins the engine is cranking, I have to jiggle the wires to get it to start (I think there is a short somewhere in the harness...there a place where the wiring harness from the ignition, the power-steering tubes and the themostat cable all converge near each other if thats part of the overall problem. Also the safety switch doesn't have its boot on yet. I haven't been able to visit the MF dealer yet.) This tractor was recently rebuilt - the block was replaced as it had been welded, the pistons, sleeves, etc are new. the only original parts left in that engine is the oil pan, the crankshaft, maybe the cams, cylinder head and the flywheel. The rest of the tracter had been gone through as well at that time to ensure everything worked since it sat for 12 years. The tractor originally had 179.9 at the tach and the block cracked and was welded back (poorly). When I hit what I assume to be dirt did I hurt the tractor? the PTO shear bolt didn't break and I was running at 540RPM. Thanks Christos