My neighbor borrowed my 1964 MF 65 4 cylinder Perkins Diesel / Multipower. He just used it like I do...dragging the disc around his new arena. He used it again this AM to break up some of the bigger clods. He said the power steering reservoir got really hot and a little smoke was coming off it. I checked the fluid level - bone dry. Meanwhile, he tried to start it back up to bring it back to my place, but it wouldn't start. There is a kind of higher-pitched grinding coming from the top front area of the engine - near the fan, maybe, and it won't start. This tractor always (previously) started w/o a problem. He added diesel before he did the work, and there is still fuel in the tank. Could the power steering running dry cause this problem, or is there some other unrelated mechanical failure I should consider? I had the dual clutch replaced a month ago, but have used the tractor for hours since then. Oil and hydraulic fluid are good. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Barry