Hi everyone, In between the last time I posted and today I referenced my wiring diagram and followed Big Dean"s suggestion for diagnosin the problem. To sum up, I followed the trail and I replaced the Ammmeter gauge with a universal one and got power along the wiring and the lights came on, but it didn"t fire. I"ve been over everything, but I only get power to two of the prongs on the voltage regulator the one marked "F" doesn"t get any power at all. I don"t have power to the neutral safety switch which turns into the green hued wire to the Solenoid. I checked the connections again and the Ampmeter was warm to the touch and started to smoke. I disconnected the battery because I didn"t want to have a fire. Interestingly enough, if the battery cable is tight on the soleniod post, the lights won"t work. Like usual, what am I doing wrong, what I am I doing correctly? I"ve made a huge step in getting power to almost everything except to the starter/solenoid, but I"m concerned that there was smoke. The Amp Guage has a plastic clip for a bracket on it, that is what held the old gauge so I recycled it. I figured thats what was smoking but why would it do that? Christos