I have a similar issue on the same tractor. I've tuned the tractor up with all new points, condensor, rotor, cap, plugs, plug wires and coil. It ran Ok for a while then started to miss and run really rough. I pulled the distributor cap and noticed that the rotor was cutting very deep into the contacts on the inside of the cap. I bought the parts at an auto parts store, and they were not exactly sure they were corret, just matched them up by sight. I went to the Massey Ferguson dealer and got a new cap and rotor (still using the same set of points from the auto parts store) and installed them. It still runs very rough, poor acceleration, etc. I gapped the points using a feeler gauge, but now am going to use a dwell meter, but don't remember how to hook it up. Also I can't find the dwell spec in the book, do you know what the proper dwell is for this tractor with the continental four cylinder engine. Can you tell me how to hook up the dwell meter. I also noticed that the number three cylinder always has a spot of black oil pooled under the sparkplug hole, even though I've checked to make sure the plug is tight. Is there a crush washer or o-ring that I can put on the plug to seal it up. Hopefully its not a cracked head. My email is: nicholtj@comcast.net Any and all comments and advice are appreciated. Tom