With a Z134 Engine it's either a TO-35 or an F40. Most likely it's the former because I think there were more of those made. Since you haven't touched the wiring, look at the way the coil is wired. If the coil positive terminal is connected to the distributor, then it's a positive ground connection and you probably have a 6 volt system. If it has any lights, check to see if the bulbs are 6 or 12 volt. That will confirm it. Check the serial number John(UK), a frequent and knowledgable contributor to these forums, might be able to help you find out if it was a 6 or 12 Volt by the serial number. For a circuit diagram, look at www.fergusonenthusiasts.com. Since you don't have spark, there is probably something wrong with the primary ignition circuit. Clean the points and check the gap. Make sure all the connections are "bright and tight". There are specs for the point gap in the Research & Info section on the left under tune up specs. Make sure that all the wiring has continuity between the battery, across the key switch and to the coil. If you have a volt meter, take the cap of the distributor and crank the engine til the points close. Then measure the voltage between ground and all the connections in the primary ignition circuit. You should have battery voltage at all points up to the coil and less than a volt on the otherside of the coil. Don't leave the key on forver doing this check because you can overheat the coil. If your voltmeter has a ohmeter in it, measure the resistance in the coil primary. Itshould be a 2.5-3.0 ohms. It it's really large you'll need a new coil. If you connect a jumper wire from the battery to the coil and get a spark that will confirm it's in the circuit between the battery and the coil. (do this with care since you may be bypassing a safety switch so MAKE SURE THE TRACTOR IS NOT IN GEAR!)I believe you have a solenoid that connects the battery directly to the starter. Part of the ignition circuit may run through the solenoid. If you do get a spark, it has to be a fat bluish white spark. Blue, red, orange or yellow are not good sparks. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful but I'm not familiar with the details of your system.