I was hoping you all could give me some advice.My 135 hasn't run since May because of an electrical problem. I haven't been going home as much since gas went up and I've been busy trying to graduate college, so when I went home would try and do as much diagonistc work as possible. I determined that the Ammeter (which was original) had gone bad and that there was no current going from the yellow wire on the wiring harness to the starter saftey switch and susequently to the starter/solinoid. I replaced the switch, the guage and the wiring harness. So here is my question - I can't get the prongs on the wiring harness to fit in the holes in the switch they are too big. I just bought the harness a month ago and I couldn't get it in then because my hands were shaking from the cold (the tractor has been outside) and I gave up. I tried yesterday when it was light out and I saw that the prongs won't fit. The old harness' prongs will fit in just fine. I'm sorry to get emotional about this, but I want to call up the dealer and say I bought this from you and it won't fit. But at the same time I am concerned that I am going to get a "sorry, charlie" out of them and I can't really afford to (and I've been forbidden to spend more money on it) keep plunking down money on these two parts (grand total about 80 bucks) each time I try to fix it. How would you all handle it? I want to put her back in the barn or at least get it started so I can give the tractor its repaint this winter. Thanks, Christos