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Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor.

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Cast Iron Dave

05-03-2007 19:27:52

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Hi guys. We used to sell Massey in the 70"s. I have put hundreds of hours farming with a 1135 and 165 Diesel. Was just wanting to get all the M.F. experts opinion on the best tractor built by Massey. And I hope no one says 2705. My opinion is the 1135 for its day, and the 3,000 series in the 1990"s. Whats everyone say?? Thanks

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Mr Bob

05-10-2007 11:28:10

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
My favorite tractor of all makes and models is the Massey Ferguson 65 low profile. This tractor was a pleasure to operate and was a great combination of a lot of power and weight in a very handy, compact package. I've plowed many of acres with it pulling a 3-16, JD mounted plows in limestone clay ground with no trouble at all. It was equipped with Rowe rear wheel weights and 14.9x28 loaded rear tires. It was very nice to operate while square baling pulling wagon behind, picking corn with a NI #10 one row picker, combining with a 7' Massey Clipper combine, andgeneral utility chores.

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Gale in NWMo.

05-07-2007 20:36:53

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
We had a Massey daeler in the family. We have had a 444,65 and 1100. We have still a 30, 33, 44, 333, 180, 1130 x 2 and a 2705. Most favorite is the 1130 and 44. Least favorite 1100 (gas motor) and 2705 (transmission sucks).


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05-05-2007 13:05:07

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Growing up my family had a 2675, bought it new in '79 they still have it as thier main tractor. Has Over 8000 hours on it, been in the shop twice for minor things. I do really like that tractor(great cabs) but I'd never own a 2000 series that some one else has touched. I own an 1100 and 1130 both are great tractors but I'd say the 1100 is my favorite.
third party image

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Aaron Ford

05-07-2007 04:29:46

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to barnrat, 05-05-2007 13:05:07  
Holy Cow! That looks like the mud my Dad used to park our truck in. Frequently. All the way to the axles. It was great security, cause if he could not get it out, I doubt anyone else could....



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John - Central NY

05-05-2007 08:11:48

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
I have or have had a 333, 85, two Super 90's two 1100's two 1130's, an 1150, 2805, 3545 and a 3680. My favorite would be the Super 90 and 1130.

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Massey Harris Steve

05-05-2007 02:41:28

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Massey Harris 333

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Aaron Ford

05-04-2007 23:37:08

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  

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05-04-2007 20:44:58

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
We have a MF 50, two MF 135's and a MF 175. Useing them on a tobacco, cattle, and hay farm all have proven to be good tractors. I enjoy working each one. Kind of hard to pick a favorite.

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05-04-2007 20:44:43

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Best would be 1105. Favorite would be 1150.

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Cast Iron Dave

05-04-2007 19:54:53

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Wow I never thought I would get this many replys. Thanks. Sounds like the 135 and 165 everyone likes. Grew up on a 165 and would like to have that tractor back. Still have a pony,22 33 44 81 challanger, 101's 102 85 1130 and a few old combines. Still looking for a 165. Thanks for a great forum.

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Boss Hog

05-04-2007 11:55:36

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
My favorite by far would be my own MF35. It was my first tractor, so it"s easy to pick as a favorite.

A close second would be the 1150. Love the power and the sound of the V8.

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05-04-2007 10:36:14

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  

Growing up we had all Masseys several 44's, 55, 444, Super 90, 1080, 1130, 1155, 2805. Favorite; it's a toss up as to a well tuned 44 gasser or the 1155. Least favorite 444 Diesel what a POS.


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05-04-2007 09:52:13

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
and why not the 2705??? we had one and when we sold out it had well over 10,000 hr and was not it the shop one time and yes it was a 24 speed and our 2805 had 6,000 plus on it and was in shop 1 or 2 times. it also was a 24 speed plus we had a elwood front on it. most that had them did NOT know how to use the trans in the right way

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kirk in ks,

05-05-2007 05:37:28

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to marlowe, 05-04-2007 09:52:13  
Amen Brother,
that's totally it,
I like all the V8 massey's ,
But alot of people are like you say are shy of the truth,
I mean you could use it for about anything you wanted and you wouldnt need another one in that HP class,
Im still wanting that 2775 that was in that Ad somewhere in wis or ohio, I not know where,
But it was sitting next to a building and it was Really nice looking,
Duall's chrome pipe. and nice paint,
And ,,, about the gear's and tranny, most people DIDNT KNOW HOW TO, OR JUST DIDNT CARE ABOUT IT using the tranny the right way,
(Bunch Of Turkey's).
That's where the big foul up's came from, And Im like you marlowe, I like unique thing's And like to know how to run them the right way so they last!

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05-04-2007 07:47:03

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
245 diesel bar none! Yes, I also once owned a 2805 WITH 24 speed and have run 35, 50, 65, 135, 150, 165, and 255. It IS hard to pick a favorite.

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Make Mine a Massey

05-04-2007 07:46:46

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Tough call, best all around Massey?

Had a 35 Diesel, good tractor, little hard to start, 135 next , GREAT tractor. MF230 was next a GRAND tractor, start in any kind of weather, and power steering. Would die for a 150 or 165. got a couple 1085's, ( a big little tractor or a little big tractor ? ) bit clumsy but rides great, cab is huge , room for family and the dog, hydraulics suck. 285 is a nice balance of size and power. 274 ( maybe not a Massey ) , nice simple tractor, great with loader and starts good, tank filter drives me crazy.

My vote -- Best all around Massey -- MF 135 Diesel

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05-04-2007 04:44:41

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Have also put countless hrs. in on all types of Masseys,big and small. While the little chore tractors are the best,to get down and do some "serious" work the 1105-1135 WILL go the distance!! That 354 just purrs!Excellent on fuel too.1100-1130 would be my next choice. Have done field work starting with a Challenger,all the way thru to the big 4-wheel drives,my blood will always run Massey red !

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05-04-2007 03:49:25

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
I agree with Vacherie: 135.


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05-04-2007 03:15:33

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  


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05-04-2007 19:44:39

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Harvey3, 05-04-2007 03:15:33  
I bought a Grey Pony and had it repainted 10 years ago. It still starts easily. The only replacement parts I have made is battery (6 volt) and filters and oil.

This Pony is a good tractor.

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MF Poor

05-04-2007 03:03:59

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
I'm kind of partial to the MF 150 myself. It's essentially all the best of the 135, with better/sturdier steering and front axle, more built in weight, more fuel capacity, and more front end ground clearance.

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05-03-2007 22:57:26

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
Around here, every one had(has) a 285, and most had a 135. We just had our 285 overhauled, good to go for another 6200+ hours. We also have a 165, which I like better than a 135 a cousin has. A little higher up, more power. Still a small & very handy size and very nimble without a loader.

Not too bad with a loader either- Ours has it's 2nd loader on it in the 15+ years we've had it. The first one came on it when we bought it but it already had a few cracks & repairs, it ended up just giving out. Now we've got an Allis Chalmers loader made to fit that came on an Oliver 1755. Fits the 165 much better.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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05-03-2007 20:23:54

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Cast Iron Dave, 05-03-2007 19:27:52  
I vote for the 135.

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richard in nz

05-04-2007 03:20:48

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to Vacherie, 05-03-2007 20:23:54  
148 with 8 speed box

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05-04-2007 08:27:35

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to richard in nz, 05-04-2007 03:20:48  
I've driven a very good fair share of Massey Red's. Of all of them, I like the 1080 with an open station. The 2805 is a great sounding machine, but too big to be practical for everything.

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DavidP, South Wales

05-04-2007 09:39:52

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to davediehl@hotmail.com, 05-04-2007 08:27:35  
Having been involved with the repair and use of MF's for about 30 years, my favourite is without doubt the UK built 165, wet or dry brake but without a cab or frame of any sort.
We sold a lot of SH ones in the 70's and 80's and made good use of them when we had them for haymaking and other work. Farming in the UK was beginning to get bigger when the 165 came along and for many people this was the first tractor capable of handling those jobs which the 135 was not quite up to. Many will probably have childhood memories as well. Like all MF's, GOOD, SOLID and RELIABLE.

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05-05-2007 13:45:25

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to DavidP, South Wales, 05-04-2007 09:39:52  
Had an English built 165 on our farm when I was growing had wide shaped fenders, lights in the grill, a hand parking brake, and no power steering. The engine was different as well. Id had more of a standard rather then a row crop stance as it was stouter and lower to the ground. Some of the parts on it were quite difficult to get here in the USA. had to be shipped from England.

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05-04-2007 15:33:05

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 Re: Everyones Favorite M.F. Tractor. in reply to DavidP, South Wales, 05-04-2007 09:39:52  
Our 2705 doesn't owe us anything. It pulls good, always starts and is somewhat comfy. The 354 is a honey. I haven't had to fix the tranny yet, but I'm expecting it, like I said it don't owe us.

But, I grew up on a 175, my vote MF 175.

Our 285's are good strong pullers but the 175 is my girl. You never forget... you know.


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