Dean,This is a long one so hang on! I was out with my MF35 (Perkins) using the bush hog, ran about 2 hours cutting saplings, when I throttled down to about 1200, I noticed a vibration that I don't remember, when I throttle up it goes away, when I throttle down it goes away, when I lower the hydraulics it goes away. Now I would be happy to excuse this as critical vibration speed, if I hadn't owned this machine for 17 years, but I'm pretty in tune to my tractor, or at least I thought I was. Now the one thing I must also mention is that this machine hasn't had it's PTO run in about 8 years,(other than normal checks, and when I replaced the seals) and the PTO wasn't running when I got the vibration (also I haven't had this much weight on it in about 6 years. (mower weighs about 685 lbs.) I haven't been able to scope it out this morning, (situation occured at sunset, of course, and I live 20 miles from it's location) but I thought I'd blast this by you and get your thoughts. Everything still operates as it should. But this vibration is enough to make me wonder if the pump is up to something. What do you think? And what are the quick checks that I might use to minimize down time, if any. I have the I.T manual, but it's a little thin in this area. Thanks Chip