Here's the info on the MH-50 (same tractor as the MF-50), with a Continental 134, from the Nebraska tests. Drawbar horsepower only 24. The seller is completely in the dark on the horsepower of this machine. His dates may be pushing it a bit, since the MF-50 was around 1957-64 (and maybe early '65). But, it will have plenty of power to pull a small square baler. I haven't found much on the small farm that my 1956 MH-50 can't do. Model:Massey-Harris 50 (Massey-Harris-Ferguson Inc., Detroit, Mich.) Date Tested: September 25 to October 4, 1956 tractor equipment: Continental 4 cylinder engine, 2000 rpm, 3 5/16 inch bore X 3 7/8 inch stroke, 134 CID 11-28 rear tires 6.00-16 front tires tractor weight: 3432 lbs Test H Data: gear: 1, high range speed: 5.12 mph load: 1766 lbs slippage: 4.33% rated load: 24.09 drawbar horsepower fuel economy: 9.74 horsepower hours per gallon 920 lbs of ballast was added to each rear wheel for tests F, G and H. Test G resulted in a low-gear maximum pull of 3525 lbs at 1.14 mph with a slippage of 15.23%. Fuel economy at Test C maximum load of 31.36 belt horsepower was 11.47 horsepower hours per gallon. Test D rated load of 29.4 belt horsepower yielded 10.97 hp hours/gallon.