Hi Chris - Jumping in here! The Standard is the 4 cyl diesel. Earlier engine - replaced by the easier starting 3 cyl Perkins later. Harder starting - a water heater in the lower rad hose works wonders - may not even need glow plugs! (Often one or more burned out, and they are not cheap.) TO-35 (made in US, delco electrics and a bit different steering box), FE-35 made in England, and the MF-35 are pretty well the same tractors. Minor differences in tin. Letters changed to give the impression of more modern tractors? Water can also get into the transmission around the filler plug (to the left of the gear shifts) if the gasket is missing; it can get in the breather under the seat if the top cover is missing, and around the rubber boot on the master spring assembly (between the top link attach bracket and the transmission cover), if it's cracked. Absolutely great tractors! Lots of reasonably prices aftermarket parts available too.