I have an MS Sx90 carb on my 670. Is this the right carb for tractor? Seems the governor rod and rubber elbow from air pipe aren't quite right. I couldn't get it to stay running unless choked some, and high idle, quit when forced down. Revs up to full speed OK. NOW, I messed with needles, got it to stay running with choke off, but only high idles! About 1400rpm. It does goe higher to 1900 or so fine, just won't come down. I set the idle screw back, it doesn't change as it doesn't want to allow carb to hit the stop, even with screw out. I removed the rod to governor and it still won't pull down to stop. SO, must be problem with throttle plate or ? on shaft? Going to have to pull carb and check it out. It also leaks gas when sitting unless I turn it off at tank. Any connection? Gas dumping in when trying to idle? I also need a seat diagram for this float-ride type seat. I see how it's supposed to work, think the spring or rubber or ? is missing from top tower to adjust. I see how seat frame swings up on pivots, just nothing holding it up. Anyone have a diagram they could email? I have parts and owner's mans coming, not sure when they'll get here. Where does one find parts for these seats? I need a new pan for sure, mine is swiss cheese and just sitting there, bolts rusted away. Do the new cushions come with the metal in them from Speer or others? Is that all I need?