We bought one about 20 years ago for $2500 we still have it - don't use it a lot - my father retired from farming and I have a different tractor.... We have a Minneapolis Moline 670 super - the word super is painted right by the number - it is about 75hp - ours actually is new enough that White company had bought out Minneapolis Moline by the time ours was sold so it has a cheapie metal plate that says WHITE in the front - other than that everything is normal - things that have gone wrong with ours - it is gas - if they get warm or low on water or worked too hard they can crack a head - they aare hard to come by and expensive - but u can get them welded at expert places that heat them up in a kiln cherry red - weld it - then let it slowly cool back down..... also when the tractor was warm our hydraulics started making noise - they would work fine but made a lot of noise - $1000 later it had a new hydraulic pump and was quieter - they are an OK tractor depending in what u want ti use it for - we used to scoop snow for a few years- pulled the planter for a lot of years,,,,,