I looked at dads vista today and forgot that when we had to pull the cab on it to work on the trans we cut the torque lever too and made the coupler like you talked about, looked at the 670 again and the more i look at it it probably was not a factory fix but just good machining by a shop. As far as the cabs i posted these pictures of the EXCEL cab on the m5, i think the 670 cab is MEADE but i don't remember anymore, 1030 case has the YEAR A ROUND cab and the oliver has a factory oliver cab but don't remember who made them either. The one on the 670 has aluminum window and after all the years of bouncing over hayfields they slop out and break in half, both dads and my vista have these chinsy type windows also. For a show tractor or one that is used lightly they would be fine. The excel cab has descent windows but like the 670 cab is kind of chinsy. The year around and the one on the oliver are nice solid cabs, and they don't vibrate. Someday when time and money allows i would like to mount a cab like my oliver has onto that 670 and then paint the cab gloss white or yellow, i think that would look sharp. The one on the oliver is similiar to some late model g1000's and 1050,1355 had on. I didn't have any pictures from the inside looking back, but there is just sheet metal that angles down by the seat, 3pt on 670 clears fine and one on M5 would clear a 3pt if it had it, not sure of the mounts will have to look, but i think they are just clamped around the axle and have a mounting plate above that. Have not seen any cabs around but i havent been out to any sales, we had a baby in January and it really puts a cramp into free time. Don't know how to use email, this computer stuff is fairly new to me, so until the wife shows me how to work more on this thing, i will stick to just the things i know how to do. One other note some of these pictures i just posted are about ten years old so these tractors have ten years of haying, feeding cattle, and general use added to them, but i had them in an album and they had the best view of the cab, also if you want to stiffen up the front end on the 670 we added another iron on the rear of the wishbone so the pin is not binding on one side, pin is supported from both side like the g1000 row crop fronts were, never had any trouble since we changed it. Hope you find a cab, i would give you mine but it keeps the sun and snow off my back. :)