: The '47 UTS will only run a bit with the choke fully on. : if I open it up, the engine dies. Then I get some flooding. I've had : the carb apart many times adjusting and cleaning and I'm just at : wits end. I've plenty of vacuum, the float and needle seem OK, : I believe all the passages are clear. what's up? any suggestions? : What could I have missed? : I saved the original gasket from the rebuild kit and the replacment I : cut out may be of thicker material. Could that be part of the problem.Hi, It appears as if your teactor will run only under a high vaccum situation. Maybe it is not your fuel!! When an engine run only on a high vaccum, it may be your electrical. Under high vaccum, less voltage is required due to lower compression because of the lack of air entering your cylinders. The reason I think this might be your problem is because you mentioned the flooding when the engine stops (probably has lots of fuel). When it is running, does it smoke black or dark blue? So, maybe check your coil, plugs, HT wires etc. Hope this will work for you. Joe B