Tom, If your tractor has the shuttle shift then it is a UTIL, UTI's did not have that feature. Reading your first post I couldn't figure what your problem was, but after reading the second one it is apparent that you are simply missing your foot clutch pedal and linkage. All the UTI's and UTIL's had a foot clutch. MM used the hand clutch lever of the hand clutch tractors to shift the shuttle transmission from forward to reverse. You should have two foot pedals on the left side of the tractor. The outer one is the clutch pedal and the inner one is for the brakes. These tractors did not have individual turning brakes. Down near where the brake pedal pivots, assuming you still have it, is there a fulcrum bolt still screwed in to the side of the transmission case? That would be the pivot point for the clutch pedal. Be aware that there is a serial number break for two different clutch pedals and rods when you go looking for one. I can send you this info or e-mail a scan of parts book. Firing order for your tractor is 1-3-4-2, I can't remember rotation of distributor shaft, but you can check that easily. Sometimes a too lean setting of carb will cause back firing too, as well as a sticking valve. Do you still have the hood side shields on your tractor? Most of the UTIL's around are missing theirs, and they are unique to this tractor as the hood is longer because of the extra 8" of the shuttle transmission. Hope this helps. Jim