A while back I posted a message with various questions regarding my '47 2N - responses were great, thanks to all. One of the questions dealt with a leak from the vent hole just behind the engine. At the time I wasn't sure if it was engine oil or hydraulic fluid, now I'm sure it is the latter. I have strapped on a coffee can under the belly to catch the "drippings" which get worse after I shut off from running, I can get a cup or so each time. The leaking fluid is dark to black, however when I remove the cover plates at the rear to look into PTO issues the fluid is "new" colored (light greenish brownish) ... One additional note that throws a monkey in the mix - the tractor has a "Sherman" high/low transmission added which causes me greif when I try to match views with my I&T manual. My questions are these: 1) If all three chambers (Sherman, std trans, rear end)share the same "fluid" why would I be getting black drippings from the front vent yet overall the fluid looks clean, and even more confusing, 2) Why doesn't the other vent leak? I guess I'm not sure of the "chambering" and fluid transfer between the three areas. It seems to me that from the pictures in the manual the original, without Sherman, would have had a "dry" chamber between the trans and the engine (clutch). Maybe those with more experience could shed some light on the situation. I imagine that if I crack it open I'll find out what's inside but it seems like that might be a nice winter project. Thanks for "listening" Andy.