The Jublie I have been looking at has a vane pump on it. I made this determination after some great input from this board. Thank you all. This tractor is in good shape overall. I checked all the week points that you gave gave me, ie. cracked axel housings, rusted tool box etc.. BUT... it does have a vane pump. Are these pumps more likely to go out than the piston pumps? I know they are almost impossible to fix and the conversion to a piston pump is $pendy. How do I determine if the pump is weak or needs replacing? I think I can get a good deal on this tractor but I do not want to get in over my head. Before I buy it, I am going to hook it to something heavy, run it up and down hills to make sure the gov. is working and run it warm, make sure everthing works then shut it off and start it again. Any other suggestions are welcomed before I jump. Andy MN