Hey guys,Spent about 45 minutes brush hogging today (what a way to unwind after work!) I'm cutting through some very dense stuff, including honeysuckle and other tough bushes / small trees which choked a large part of our land during the years it sat vacant. I kept the '51 8N in first gear to avoid running up too fast on anything I couldn't see, also to help get through the really tough bushes. At one point, going through a particularly dense area, the tractor engine suddenly got MUCH louder, and I started to smell exhaust and feel heat on my right leg. Something caused a break clean through the pipe (which was pretty rusty to begin with), right up near the aftmost cylinder. I kept going for a while, cutting my way back toward the house. Is it dangerous to run it in this condition (will the escaping heat cause any trouble for the engine, wires, fuel system, etc)? Is it difficult to replace the exhaust system (which probably needed it anyway, nothing about it looks remotely new)? I'm very much looking forward to winter, when the plants slow down and I can spend more time tinkering with (and repainting) the tractor! Andy