Andy wrote "WTF is up with you people here?" What do you think. ".....all I get is ATTACKED when I make one comment." When you attack someone don't be surprised when you get attacked back. ".....I apologized to Robert - AL already and I am remorseful for my rude antics. I will keep myself under better control and have more patience." Good, that was the right thing to do. You say "See the box use it." I agree I don't like seeing the same questions over and over again. think back to when your first got your 8n. You posted some questions that could have been found in that box. Example.. ".....How do I get to the front mount distributor? Do I have to remove the hood and grill? Explain. Thanks!!!!! ! Hurry - I need to get it out of the rain! (grin) Andy" All you had to do is type that in the box and you would have found your anwser. there are other questions that you asked but I dont want to spend my time looking for them. I am glad you are letting others post their pictures on your server. That is very kind of you. I personally would rather post my pictures on crappy aol. Just my decision (looks like I made the right one.) Also I liked the final reply with "Fine -- I had a bad day - Ok" with 198 question marks at the end. Yes andy that's fine Just fine. Jimbob