That kind of thing really burns me! There is no reason for something like that. One thing folks need to ask before they do something with equipment is....'what if', the answer should be pretty clear. Kids may not know any better, but a parent should. I invite anyone to come to the hospital I work at. We are the only pediatric trauma hospital in about 22 Central NY counties (upstate NY, where the cows and apple orchards are). See what happens when a parent lets a child ride on the yard tractor while mowing lawn, I have seen it and I can tell you that no amount of begging by my kids would ever sway me to give them such a ride...all it takes is one bump or one, what would happen if you were hoggin' on a N and the child bounced off?...not a pretty thought. We had a case a while back where a child got caught in a running snow-blower, the parent said the child was playing with the snow-blower...words can not describe the stupidity of such a statement by a parent...and the child is messed up forever. My God, children look to us for so much, please don't let them down when it comes to equipment safety...and gun safety too! -Sal