Andrew..... ..University of Nebraska tests rated the 8N at 25.5 hp PTO and 20.8 hp drawbar. Ya kant gett more "accurate" than that. And you know how accurate the advertized hp on any automobile is, right? Theres quite a story behind the UN Tractor tests and has to do with the "original" Ford Tractor manufactured in Minneapolis by a snakeoil salesman named Ewing who named it after a friend named Paul Ford. (hoping to capitalize on the fame of the real Ford Motor Co) Which is why the first Ford tractor was called the Fordson cuz ol'tightwad Henry wouldn't buy the Ford Tractor name from the Ford Tractor Co of Minn. Big stock scandel and scams involved too. It was a piece of junk and caused a Neb Senator Crozier to pass a law that said "if'n you wanna sell yer tractor in Nebraska, ya gotta get yer tractor power measured by the Univ Neb Engr Ag School or else". And everyone that wanted to sell tractors in Neb did. Henry designed the 8N for 160 acre mixed farmstead so you can do everything you need to on your 40 acres. 8N's don't have all the bells and whistles of a modern Yamabotadeeer, but consider the price difference and that you can resell your 8N for what you paid for it a couple of year from now if'n ya decide ya just gotta have things like more horsepower, powersteering, live hydraulics, live pto, ROPS, monthly payments..... ..Dell