While there is the n-wiring diagram, you need to determine a few things first. Is it indeed an N tractor? ( 9n, 2n, 8n, ) or is it an NAA or hundred series tractor. Next, is it an alternator, or generator ( you have said alternator, but just checking.) If it is an alternator, then it will be negative ground. All that assuming, and we'll go with 12volts also. Does it have an external regulator? Let us know, and we will help you some more. Also, for tips to identify your tractor: serial number will be on the left side of the engine, on a flat boss area, around your oil filter cannister... both 9n and 2n's will begin with 9N, while 8n's begin with 8N. A 9n may have 2 plaques on front of hood.. oe says ford, one says fergusion system... a 2n might only have the ford one. on the 9n/2n, there will be a break pedal on each side, and the 8n will have both breaks on the right side. the 8n had running boards from the factory, but many added boards to the 9n/2n foot pegs. a 8n will have draf/position controll, and the lever to select between them is on the right side under the seat.. absence of this indicates 9/2n. the hood on the naa will have a round plaque in front, and for instance the hood on a 600 has a long door running the length of the hood that opens.. the door on the N's is small, like 1' by 6 or 8". tons of other differences, but you should be able to narrow it down. Soundguy