Question for regular members of this N forum... Does the Ford Golden Jubilee (NAA series) belong with the 9N, 2N and 8N tractors in this forum (and in this area of Yesterday's Tractors On-Line Magazine)?I tried to look this topic up in the archives, but didn't find anything. Actually, I seem to be having trouble with the archive search engine. I've tried searches on some other topics and keep getting "no matches." And, I wasn't chewing gum at the time, honest!!! I don't know about anyone else, but someday I hope to find and buy a really nice NAA. I have a 2N now, and my Mom has an 8N. I really like the looks of the NAA, and like the fact that it's so similar to the 8N. Please remember that Dave Smith's buttons have the Golden Jubilee featured on them. So, can we petition the site moderator to allow us to adopt the NAA? I mean, there seems to be a lot of Golden Jubilee items here, so can we make it official by adding it to the "Ford 9N/2N/8N Section" title? I don't want to step on any toes here... I'm not "on" this forum that often, and was off for almost a full year due to medical problems. But, it just seems like the Jube belongs here. Can we take a vote? 1) Add the NAA, 2) Keep it only 9N/2N/8N, or 3) Keep it only 9N/2N/8N and tell Bri to mind his own darn-diddly-arn business Thanks for listening, The Bri Guy