I know, I know, 9N'er asking a queston about 8N's...but I am, and well, I offer no excuses...I'm still proud to won a 9N, and still profess to know nothing about anything and especially N Series Tractors. I have draft control questions for a neighbor who is using his 8N and rock rake to grade, level and smooth some loam. 1. How does the draft control lever work? when it is in vertical position, is the draft control lever off and vice-versa: when pushed forward or down (horizontal) is the draft control in operation? 2. When it is "on" I assume that it sort of keeps the rock rake in a leveling type of position, although the tractor may be riding up and down bumps or undulations...the rake should be lifting when it reaches a low spot and leveling or digging in when it reaches a high spot? 3. Just how does it work? Does it sense resistance when an implement is on a high spot, and "tells" the hydraulic lift to go up or down? How does it work with the lift (internally)... Well, I certainly would appreciate the insights, and I would like to print the repsonses and pass it on to the fella. Thank yo uin advance. 9N'er