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(OT) BS on this board.

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Gary (MO)

01-25-2002 12:44:30

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Saw a post on here about who we should buy a car from based on which automakers gave to the 9/11 disaster relief. Made me curious, typed in www.toyota.com and see that they tossed in over a million $$ not $0.00 as posted on this board. >Link
Didn't>Link look further.

I live in northwest Missouri 20 miles from where Harley sporsters are made. I also live about 20 miles from where hundreds of americans build Kawasiki small engines and about a hundred miles from Lincoln Nebraska where hundreds more build Kawasaki mororcycles, ATV's and personal watercraft. I ride a Honda that was built in Ohio. If you want help hateing them damn fereners, get your facts straight.

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Dave Todd

01-26-2002 10:31:39

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 Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Gary (MO), 01-25-2002 12:44:30  
Well said!!! I remember when a fellow named Pat ?? was running for President, and he wanted to take care of America First. The media made a fool of him. They said he wanted to build a wall around America. Maybe he was right after all?? Maybe we should have been taking care of America and its working people, instead of letting our good jobs go to Mexico or Canada or elsewhere. I hope we wake up BEFORE it's too late!!!

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Made in China

01-25-2002 18:30:38

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 Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Gary (MO), 01-25-2002 12:44:30  
All I know is if it says "made in China", I ain't buying the crap!

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01-25-2002 16:07:44

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 Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Gary (MO), 01-25-2002 12:44:30  

Don't have enough info. to argue your points one way or the other but did you happen to catch the interview with the senator form the big car state where he stated that he gives best parking privlidges to his employees that drive american cars.

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Vic (quite a trick!)

01-26-2002 10:09:12

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 Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to buck, 01-25-2002 16:07:44  
How did the good senator identify American cars?

Is the Honda made by Americans in Ohio a Japanese car?

Or are the PT Cruiser made in Mexico or the Camaro made in Canada actually American cars? What about "foreign" makes like Jaguar and Lotus and Land Rover that are owned entirely by American companies?

And what about all the foreign investors who own stock in Ford and GM?

It's a big world for a small mind!

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01-25-2002 15:01:24

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 Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Gary (MO), 01-25-2002 12:44:30  
Gary, I agree with getting information from a good source. The earlier posting you refer to was not too accurate to say the least.

I am not trying to start a war on the board with what I am about to write.

Honda, Mazda and other 'foreign car' companies manufacture cars here. These operations give Americans paychecks and provide cars that are in demand. Simple enough, I think we can at least agree on that.

The rest of the story is that when a company is based in a 'home' Country other than America the true (and often-times huge) profits go back to that 'home' and the $$ don't stay here.

Sure there are paychecks and taxes paid and such...but that is a mere fraction of the $$ that is actually made by these foriegn companies.

We get something out of it, but the foreign comapnies get a lot more and that $$ leaves America and very little of that $$ that leaves will be invested in America. For the most part any of the $$ that comes back is for an investment that will net them a great return.

I have no problem with anyone making a $$.

The fact is though even with a Honda made in this company we are doing Japan more good than America.

Not to bash Japan, but the now own a chunck of NY City real estate, Hawian real estate, and on and on and on. Our country is being bought up by other countries that earn big $$ with thier operations in America...all we get are some good paying jobs.

I would say we are compromising our integrity and our financial interests by allowing Foreign/Japaness based auto companies to build here and ship the big $$ out.

We are open with our boarders in terms of the facilities we allow the foriegn companies to build in America...they do not reciprocate.

Take a look at how many Fords/GMs/Dodges are produced in Japan...Take a look at the fees and taxes they impose on American goods compared to what we charge them to do business on our soil.

We get a few pay checks and they laugh all the way to the bank...

I wonder why this is actually called 'capital flight'...must be how the $$ leave the country.

I am pretty sure this will be an unpopular post, so go ahead and bash me if you like...no individual oppinion is the only way to go.



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Oslo on Japan

01-25-2002 17:59:41

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 Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-25-2002 15:01:24  
I agree with you Sal, but it is so difficult to identify where a product, such as automobiles, are made. I was in a shoe store some time ago and the first four pairs of shoes were all made in different countries. USA was not one of them. How can you buy american if we don't make any of the shoes??? As for japan buying up all of the real estate. Yes, they have bought a lot, but one piece of real estate that turned out to be a turkey was Rockerfella Plaza in NY. They paid too much $$$ for it. I have no worry about us being able to maintain our dominance in the world economy. My only concern is will our politicians make it impossible for us to sustain our dominance$$$ my 2 yens worth :)grin

oslo in NC

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George8NFlmade in USA

01-25-2002 17:34:29

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 Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-25-2002 15:01:24  
They didn't make my "51 8N Made In The USA". And just think its still ruuning STRONG.

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01-25-2002 16:10:39

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 Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-25-2002 15:01:24  
Yep, like it or not, the world is moving toward a "global" economy. Do I like it? It has it's pro's and con's. Do I have to make the best of it? Yep. Am I gonna stick my head in the sand and complain? Nope. Maybe not in my lifetime, but I can foresee a day when the sticker will say "Made on Earth".

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01-25-2002 15:53:39

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 Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-25-2002 15:01:24  
You said, "get your information from a good source."
Can you identify the source for your statement that "a mere fraction of the $$$ that is actually made" stays in this country? And could you be a little more specific as to what a "mere fracton" is? Would it be 3%, 5%, or say,10%? The word mere implies a small amount, and I am curious as to what the figure actually is. Would you check with your "good source" and post the figure?
I think, as far as the real estate deals go, that took place several year back and since their economy tanked, they have had to bail out at a loss on many of those deals. I am not positive about that, but would not be unhappy if that is the case, because I don`t like them owning our real estate either.

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01-26-2002 08:18:55

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 Re: Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to snitkawl, 01-25-2002 15:53:39  

You ask a couple of good questions and I am not going to beat some of them to death by starting a #'s game.

There are many sources for the information regarding how much of a profit certain foreign companies actually remove from thier American operatrions and take i back overseas.

This is not something that can be well explained in a 2 paragraph response, it is something that an individual needs to study and learn about. That might seem like a cheap answer to some, but I believe that it is the best way for someone to understand a very complex situation. It's a lot more complex than rebuilding an engine.

I would think most people wouldn't bother to learn all of the details on the priciple of 'capital flight' and how it is so very real and impacts this country and others. It's a complex thing to learn about and it takes time

As far as real-estate being bought up by forigners, sure some have taken a big hit on the prices and vaues. I would think the bigger issue is that they still own huge chunks of quality real estate in America. Besides, over reasonable time these types of real estate holdings appreciate very well. Since 9/11 rent prices are going up a lot since there is a lot less office space availble.

Like I said this is a complex issue and there is no way to fully explain or understand it in a few lines.

Thank you for your reply.


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01-26-2002 18:57:34

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-26-2002 08:18:55  
The strange thing I note in people's thinking is that when an American company starts producing a vehicle in Mexico or Canada (or anywhere else, for that matter), Americans complain that the money is moving out of the country. The complaint is that the plant, property taxes, wages, supply chain, and transportation components all supposedly move out of the U.S., leaving a paltry fraction of the vehicle sales to be returned to the U.S. corporation and its (supposed) U.S. investors.

However, when an offshore company (especially Japanese) moves production on a vehicle to the U.S., the same people complain that "all the money" is going back to the corporate headquarters, and that a "small fraction" of the proceeds from the vehicle's sales stay in the U.S.

Funny how, in people's minds, almost all the money leaves the country in either scenario.

Can't have it both ways, folks.

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01-26-2002 14:09:26

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-26-2002 08:18:55  
Sal, that whole post reads just like what we used to do in college when we didn`t know the answer to a question.
Baffle them with bullsh**.
(PS. It ain`t working.)

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01-26-2002 10:53:55

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-26-2002 08:18:55  
Sal: I didn`t ask you to play a numbers game. I didn`t even ask for two paragraphs. I ask the amount of profit taken out of this country by foreigners, figuring that since you made the statement, you had a "good source" for the information. That should take about two words and a couple of numbers. If you can`t give me a figure, at least name your source for the information, so I can look it up myself. I think my puny brain can handle that much of a load.
By the way, I feel much like you do about foreign goods coming into this country.

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01-25-2002 16:44:36

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 Re: Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to snitkawl, 01-25-2002 15:53:39  
Ain't any of them going to tell you how much they take outa' this country in profits, if you want to support them go ahead, I justa' soon spend what money I have supporting America and Americans. Anyone who lives in this country, enjoys its freedoms and then doesn't do their best to support this country should never complain about conditions here. I can only say is that I hope they're the first ones laid off and the last ones to get called back.

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01-26-2002 11:08:07

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sparkey, 01-25-2002 16:44:36  
Hey Sparkey:
Sal found out about their profits. All I am doing is asking what that figure is. How you go from that question to me supporting foreign companies, I don`t understand.
I also don`t understand how you can take others to task for using fogeign products when the tv you watch is foriegn made, your VCR is foreign made, the gas in your car is foreign produced, the watch you are wearing is foreign made, and I`ll bet some of the clothes you are wearing were produced in a foreign country.

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Right On Sal, Willard

01-25-2002 15:06:52

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 Re: Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Sal, 01-25-2002 15:01:24  
You said it well Sal...

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Passed Around The Inter-net

01-25-2002 12:52:14

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 Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Gary (MO), 01-25-2002 12:44:30  
Gary, thats been going around the inter-net for quite some time now, its just like a lot of the other false information and rumors that go through the cyber ropes. The folks on this N board are the best, top shelf people you'll find any where, I betcha some of them work at the places you mentioned. Cheers.

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No Lie!

01-25-2002 12:51:53

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 Re: (OT) BS on this board. in reply to Gary (MO), 01-25-2002 12:44:30  
Amen, Where are the insurance companies who really hold the biggest responsibilities here. Anyone who has given support so far surely deserves thanks, but to say that a group is somehow "anti-American" because they didn't make front page splash for giving, is pitifully short sighted. By the way, the popular media is a poor reference source. Steveo

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