As I continue working on my 8n, I found another sore spot... this time on me. It seems that at some point, the original seat spring and pan were replaced with a contraption from something else. It's a flip over seat frame that probably had some sort of a spring to support the pan. It doesn't look like the Monroe or any other pictures I've seen. Somebody thought it might be from a later model Massey F. To get to the sore point... Now, the seat is propped up with a brick. Without it, the pan would point down at about a 30 degree angle. With or without the brick, it's not very comfortable. My bones don't take the "bounce" offered by the brick very well... My real question, what's a good seat for my 51 8n. I found several places where I can buy an original-style seat spring and pan. Is there something better? Is there another seat that is easily available that bolts right to the top of the tranny? I don't want to get too expensive, but I'm not particularly worried about changing the "original look", either. I've never ridden on the "real" 8n pan and spring, so I don't know how much better that would be than my current brick shock dampner. I do assume it would be better... thanks, Russ