Need help with an 8n, converted to 12v, front mount distributor with points and condenser. The tractor ran fine for a year. One day it decided to not start, figured the points and condenser was bad and the cap was cracked on #2, figured great time to upgrade to the electronic ignition from Genesee Products, and replace everything with new. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, resistor, and coil all replaced. Took the parts and had turned and fitted and then phased according to directions, double and triple checked markings before gluing. Thought everything was peachy, I could not be more wrong. After gluing down the magnet I could not get the phasing to blink at all, placed a call to Genesee and currently waiting for reply. Being a custom install I may be stuck with a paperweight. Of course I did not have an extra distributor, why spend the money if it worked. Has anyone else experienced problems with the front mount kit?Here is the dilemma, if I do need to replace the distributor pieces I was thinking of putting on a side mount distributor instead of the front mount. Has anyone else done this with good results? Or would it be "rigged" and still have problems. Looking through the manual it looks like the front plate is the only part that is different. Is there a gear built into the front plate pn 8N6019B that will catch the distributor or is running off of the camshaft/crankshaft gears? For the time being I will stay with the front mount and hopefully can get everything working properly. I enjoy reading the archives, but have not found this type of process done. For now I am hunting down an extra original cam, pn 9N12187, time to hit the boneyards. Thanks for you help.