Dave..... .....ya really confusin' me. 8N generator is 3-wires and square voltage regulator up on backside of dash panel. 3-Brush generator is 1-wire generator with round can voltage cut-off down near bottom of dashpanel. 3rd brush generator is 11.5 amps and 2-brush 8N generator is 20 amps. All-in-all, not a good exchange for a keyed pully. But on the off-chance you got your description tangled and you really didn't put a 3-Brush generator in the answer to your question is DIGITAL VOLTMETERS try to read the noisey hash caused by the brushes on the battery charge line. The field line is "pulsed" or "vibrated" and your volt meter will not be steady there eather. This is characteristic of digital voltmeters, analog meters mechanically filter all that hash with the meter damping coil spring. The ballast resistor on the backside of the dashpanel is Ford's "better idea" to deal with then inherit weakness of all batterys and tempature. It's nominal resistance is 1.47 ohms and changes with tempature, down to about 0.67 ohms at 0 deg and maybe up to about 3 ohms at 100 degrees. What this means is when it is cold out there, any battery doesn't have much umph, so the cold ballast resistor to your sparkies will get some extra battery power to generate hotter sparkies to ignite cold gas vapor eazier and hopefully eazier starting. Remember the 6 volt mantra: "keep'em clean, bright, and tight" It is good to replace your dried out and cracked insulation wiring harness with new flexable correctly color coded and sized wiring harness. $15 cheap. Just make certain you get the correct one. Do a side by side replacement and you won't make any mistakes. Make certain that your replacement sparkplug wires are real copper core stuff. Firing order is 1,2,4,3, CCW. I used "food grade" silicone spray to eaze sliding the wires thru the tube. But you can use any silicone spray or greese you want. Put the distributor ends on after you get 'em thru the tube and cut to length. I tried the "oil thru the hollow steering shaft" under the acorn nut. It didn't go anywhere except filled the shaft, its still full 10 yrs later. You really need to fill the early 8N steering box's thru the square headed plug. I use outboard motor lower gearbox oil in a pointed plastic tube spout for eaze of doing it..... ..... Dell