Hey, am I allowed to talk about a Farmall A on this site if I relate it back to the Ford 2N w/ magneto?If not, banish me. If ok, just send money or beer...er ah, I mean, my favorite beverage. Better yet, send a couple, I'll leave one for bg if he shows up at my door... So, I'll quit the rambling but here is my latest tractor kick: Ya know...with these old machines it seems like something is always going wrong. It seems...with a new old one, you know, the one that you haven't had for more than a year and you're still getting to know it's quirks...(sort of like a new boss, girlfriend or wife...(if you know what I mean)). And so it 'went' today with this Farmall A. I've been working on the sheetmetal, restoring it, and painting it with a nice two part synthetic enamel, and it's looking really sweet...I reconnect the magneto and plug wires and she fires up. good. I park it outside the shed. Go back out to restart it, and zoit...somethings wrong with the starter switch and it won't turn over. Shorting out. What to do? I pace thinking: "I've got to move this tractor...it's in the way...oh brother, another problem to solve, as if I have time to work on this problem...why me? am I an idiot for buying this thing and the quirks just seem to show up...because I must have a big "Q" for quirk written on my forehead...should I tell the wife? she's not to keen on this tractor...oh, what to do..." All the while I'm looking at the crank, and I'm thinking..."oh brother, hand crank it? I've never done this before...I'm sure it will kick back and bust my wrist..." But the thing is in the middle of our drive, and I've got to move this 2400 pound cherry red, really sweet looking 1941 Farmall A." So being new to this gig, I say..."what the heck." Put in the crank, turn it once...nothing. So I give it a nice smart snap turn...and varoom...she starts right up. I smile thinking..."hey, my granparents did this...it's got to be in my genes." Put the old A into gear...and she's back where she belongs...me? I'm scratching my head thinking about why the starter shorted out..." So much for modern marvels, electric starts, and think...,maybe simple is best until I snap my wrist..." That's it from this end of the coutnry... In the shadow of Mount Washington New Hampshire... 9N'ER P.S 2N's had magneto's too :)