If you can eloquently provide the following information I will send you a 1 3/4- 1 15/16 brand new rain cap for your vertical exhaust pipe and a 6V solonoid (new in the box) from NAPA.Here's the information and test question: (first one to eloquently respond with the right insight) It came down to color. Henry Ford was finally over his "you can have any color as long as it is grey" attitude and finally entrusted his designers to chose a color for the new 8N model. We all know that red on the belly and grey on the hood was selected for the new 1948-8N. But, you must provide the "who" and "why" for the final color decision to produce the red and grey 8N tractor. Remember, more than just the right answer, all answers will be judged for written eloquence. Contest closes 24 hours from now 2015 ET - June 22 ,2002. Good luck. 9N'er Oh, BTW, did you know that the days now become shorter after tonight? Just thought I would share that in preparation for winter that's just around the corner. Don't thank me, just send an eloquent response.