Here's my story.It was supposed to be easy (yeah right...first mistake). Get up, run up to NAPA (1/2 hr away) by the 8N Grey Paint. Call em at 0730. Paint code according to the N-Series Originality Guide and Vintage Tractor Resource: 99L 4338 8N Grey. Run up, run back 1 hour later. Turn compressor on, run out the hose lines, hang 01 Series hood. Mix reducer and hardener. Put on respirator mask, open the can. Wrong color. Call em' up, wife is reminding me to be patient. Give the reference number again. NO mistake on their part. Cross check the codes on the book and website and do an archive search. Both the book and Vintage Tractor Resource Guide is wrong. It should be 99L 3732 For the 8N and 100 Series Grey. 4338 is the 9N grey. I now have a 75.00 quart of 8N grey. HAPPY BIRTHDAY yipppeee yiaeayh. So here's the Quiz Contest for a ONE QUART CAN NAPA 4338 Ford Grey acrylic enamel: Who owned the casting plant that produce the cast aluminum hood for the first 700-900 Ford 9N Tractors? What was the price of a 9N in 1939? Who installed the first v-8 engine on a N-Series Tractors? And, we know that the 9N was produced in 1939, the 2n in 1942, and the 8N in 1948. Describe the 7N model. Good luck. 9N'er