I received the following message from Steve Huttle, who is involved in his church's ministery. He is wanting some help in finding a small tractor with loader and equipment for an orphanage in Mexico. I wanted to post his letter in hopes that a suitable tractor could be located. Thanks in advance for your help. Roland JacksonRoland, I just finished looking at your web site. I was very impressed, although I know next to nothing about tractors. We are in touch with an orphanage in Mexico that is looking for a small tractor with front end loader, post hole digger, maybe a blade and other accessories that would be needed to run a small dairy, beef, vegetable operation so they can become more self sufficient. The director, Gil Sanchez, is from Pueblo, CO and has been there several years and has made a remarkable improvement in the orphanage, from the Mexican government wanting to shut it down shortly after he arrived to it being regarded as one of the best facilities in Mexico. Perhaps you could be of assistance in locating something that he could use. If the tractor could be located, I am sure that the money would not be far behind. Thanks, Steve Huttle For additional information or to reply, please contact me at: jacksonpowersteering@hotmail.com