Uh, they are one and the same....The 1953 NAA was only called the Golden Jubilee because it was the, well, Golden Jubilee(50th Anniversary) of Ford. Nothing more than a marketing scheme. In Jewish society, every 50 years, all slaves were to be set free, all debts cancelled and all land was to lay fallow. Sort of contradictory to the idea of selling a tractor to plow fields and plant, huh? The golden part is like the 50th wedding anniversary. You will not find an official model designation of Golden Jubilee. It's still a 1953 NAA, Ford's new design to update the aging N-series. The real story as I gather it, goes like this: Two guys at Ford were talking at the water cooler one day. One said to the other," Would you believe what Ford has done now?" One of the old executives only heard the last part of the"wouldyoubelieve" part and thought someone said "Jubilee" and though it was a cute name for the experimental model they were calling the "Cylcops." They were going to call it the "Silver Cyclops", but they figured "Golden Jubilee" would sell better. Now you know the rest of the story.... 'sides, I cain't spell Jubjube, er, Jubaly, er, Joobalee, er julybee, er...