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Guns and Roses

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10-25-2002 09:51:55

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With all of this killing with guns it fuels my belief that guns in the wrong hands is the wrong chemistry. No matter how you look at it guns kill. I think we should fingerprint every gun produced and owned. Let there be a file for every gun owner and imprint the shells and casings. THIS IS OUT OF HAND!

ANf get this. A truck driver finds the two sniper a _ _ es in their car, is eiligible for a half million and he doesnt want it. He wants to give the money to the families of the victims.

I can say this, if it was me? I wouldnt use a cent of it for the accused defense.

POP their heads off!! one vertebrae at a time. Do it til they cry for their mommas. and have their mommas do the pulling.

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Dave OH

10-29-2002 17:53:17

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
England disarmed the whole population and guess what? The United Nations lists England as the most dangerous industrialized nation in the world. Don't ever let logic get in your way. Dave OH

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Willy-N Thanks!

10-27-2002 08:36:43

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
You reminded me to check my Conceiled Weapon Permit and it is due to be renewed next month! Got to remember to do it every 4-years!! Got to give them some more money so I can carry one hidden from view of others as not to upset some. Mark H.

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10-27-2002 04:12:08

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
At one time in history, there was a strong movement to ban swords. Isn't it ridiculous to blame a weapon for the choices made in a person's mind. Ban bad people's minds and let the rest keep their weapons!

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Allen in Oregon

10-25-2002 20:25:42

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Rick, gun fingerprinting is usless. A gun fingerprint can be changed in 2 seconds. Guns do not kill. Evil people murder and sometimes stupid people kill with guns and cars and alcohol and many other things. I will NOT EVER give up any of my guns or register them. I and others like me are not the problem. Guns are not the problem. Evil people ARE the problem. If the whining lily livered self endulgent coward SHALLOW THINKING do gooders ever loose control of our government and let some of us deeper thinking more logical people run things we will start dealing with the problems of society rather than piling more rules on those of us who already follow the rules. I do not mean to offend you but please use the brain God gave you. Look around and see with your own eyes the destruction that has befallen our society because we tend to make more rules and not enforce the ones we have. Respectfully, Allen
P.S. I own 15 or more fire arms and have never commited a crime with any of them but I have deffended my home from a criminal bent on wrecking havock on my family.
O.K. I'm off my soap box now I'll go..... .....

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Dave OH

10-29-2002 17:47:07

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Allen in Oregon, 10-25-2002 20:25:42  
You can never tell an armchair quarterback anything. But everything you said is true. Dave OH

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10-25-2002 19:04:59

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
When they outlaws guns I guess that is when I become a outlaw because they are not getting mine! I just will not give up my ability to protect my familey and self. I am not going to register them either so it will be easier to prove I have them. They can just outlaw crime and then it will all be better! Mark H.

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Dave 2N

10-25-2002 18:20:14

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Move to Canada or England where you can feel safe.

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Let the boys from Canada tell ya about gun control

10-25-2002 17:50:52

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
My friends in Windsor say it is a joke. They are real close to total ban on guns in canada. Dirty Libs.

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10-25-2002 17:18:59

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Benjamin Franklin 1759

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Ford Man

10-25-2002 17:12:41

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Unfortunately , people always are too quick to react to attrocities without really thinking . Most often , the people who want to outlaw guns do not have any guns and have never been around them .

Guns don't kill people . people kill people .

I have many guns and have never even pointed one at anyone , let alone shot anyone . I have been to gun clubs and shooting matches and have never even heard of anyone shooting anyone . I went to a match that involed over 3000 people and probably well over 3000 guns . No shots fired at anyone the whole time I was there .

We already have enough gun laws on the books to cover pretty much any situation . The laws just need to be enforced .

What about all of the guns already in circulation ? Do you really think that everyone will have theirs registered ? You can bet that only trustworthy people will ! I'll bet that the criminals won't !

I lived in Ireland about 20 years ago . They had some of the strictest laws on gun control yet the IRA and UDR always managed to get their hands on plenty of guns !

If you outlaw guns , the black market will really skyrocket . So will backyard machine shops making guns .

Let's enforce the laws that we have and let's definately give the death penalty to these 2 guys .

Most of all , let's remember the victims and their families in our thoughts and prayers .

Don't think that I am just sitting here preaching because I am safe and sound , my Brother lives less than a mile from the Home Depot where the lady was killed . He had in fact been there the day before .

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Phil (NJ-AZ-SK)

10-25-2002 16:53:09

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
It is strange that a Single Shot Sniper Gun has been available for > 200 years but only now has someone used it in such a brutal sick calculated manner. The anti-gun lobby have a vested self interest in rotating prison doors and “live” clients, more of these scum are walking the streets everyday. We have to turn things around or…………

Attempt at Humor:
They have a new “Survival” TV show… The contestants are to drive, starting from Atlanta, across GA, AL, MS and then back to Atlanta. The catch is that they are in yellow Volvo’s with a bumper Sticker that reads “ I voted for AL Gore and I am here for your Guns”.

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Don, Luling LA

10-25-2002 16:34:25

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Guns by themselves don't kill, it takes a person or carelessness for them to kill. Remember more people are killed each year by doctors than by guns.

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10-25-2002 16:03:31

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Have all the guns registered with ballistics and a serial number and you get a title. When you sell a gun you go transfer the title like a car.

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10-26-2002 05:25:23

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to tlak, 10-25-2002 16:03:31  
>When you sell a gun you go transfer the title like a car. <

How many Old Cars, Trucks, Boats and Trailors do you see setting in the back yards, and fields. They Have no Idea where the titles are but the cars are still around...And you can still drive some of them.. Bang Bang...I just won't work..

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Ed Gooding (VA)

10-26-2002 03:47:22

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to tlak, 10-25-2002 16:03:31  
"A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie."

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924)

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10-26-2002 04:19:41

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Ed Gooding (VA), 10-26-2002 03:47:22  
With reg they might have been looking for the person instead of a white van. The sniper could have bought a different gun for each victim by buying them out of the newspaper cash, then they would have thought theres a whole army of snipers.

I think too many people died and this went on too long because the police didnt do a total lockdown and search every car like it belong to the sniper.

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Ed Gooding (VA)

10-27-2002 03:58:52

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to tlak, 10-26-2002 04:19:41  
>> With reg they might have been looking for the person instead of a white van. <<

You don't get it. Bad guys are NOT going to register their guns. They are NOT going to buy guns (not even using the infamous "gun show loophole" that John McNutball likes to talk about). They are going to STEAL them, so you are NOT going to be able to trace the gun back to the guy who used it in a crime. There is only one reason to register guns, and that is to be able to confiscate them from the registered, law-abiding owners at a later date.

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10-26-2002 04:16:47

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Ed Gooding (VA), 10-26-2002 03:47:22  
"All of my guns together have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car."

Unknown, but correct author.

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George Willer

10-25-2002 17:08:13

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to tlak, 10-25-2002 16:03:31  
You've been watching much too much television! Please start thinking instead. The idea makes no sense at all, when you consider the 200 million or so firearms that already exist. If you think it is desireable or even possible to register all of them...you need to smoke a different kind of cigarette. Registering any wouldn't do anything until you had ALL weapons registered. If you believe it is possible...you'd believe dogs use toilet paper!

O.K., Mr. Potential Sniper...please come down and register your weapon. Sheesh!

If you didn't know...murder is already illegal everywhere.

George Willer

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makes sense to me

10-25-2002 16:20:49

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to tlak, 10-25-2002 16:03:31  
people can have their guns, protect their families and land, and they know it's someting that if used in a bad way by a bad person, is a link to solving their crime. Dont see harm in ti.

It's like this:

back in 1960 I worked for the fish and game for the State. Back then, the occasional snowmobile would blip around and it was unique.

Then in 1961-62 they caught on, and neighbors started to get them and next thing you know I'm dealing with complaints of snowmobiles running through people yards and land tearng upo fences, chasing livestock and running into fence lines and hurting themselves.

So the next year after more complaints we decided to license the dang things and the place went bezerk. People complained about buying licenses, an extra tax, registering their machine when it was once free.

It took 4 years before it was accepted that they need to be licensed, taxed, and registered. The money was put into building trails and getting those things off of private land and now we have a smooth system, a great trail system that goes all over the Northeast.

Now the idiots are driving 90MPH and drinking. Guess what? We have stop stations and do sobriety tests and people are going bezerk. But the deaths are going down.

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Richie MaGoo

10-25-2002 19:28:59

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to makes sense to me, 10-25-2002 16:20:49  
The snow-mobile example is just another case of the innocent paying for the deeds of the offender. A few idiots ride recklessly, or drunk, so that justifies taxing and controlling ALL riders, and stopping and checking people who've committed no crime? That is not what America is about.

In many places, such as NY. gun registration and control laws have already been used to keep guns out of the hands of the average citizen- and if you think this stops crime....just go take a walk through New York City one night....where more people are murdered in an average week, than the total number of people the "sniper" killed.

First they tax it, then they control it.....next step is eliminate it altogether.

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Gary R, (OH)

10-25-2002 13:33:15

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
I usually try to keep my opinion to myself on political issues, but I consider this a moral issue.(1st) It is my right & responsibility to protect myself,my family,& my property.(2nd)PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE,always have always will.A firearm enables good people to protect themselves from bad. (3rd)FACT 10% of the people commit 90% of the crime!....If you want to talk about injustice it's carrying out a death penalty 20 years after the fact cause the guilty b-----d sat on death row while you and I footed the bill.just watch all the lawyers scrambling to defend this guy to make a name for themselves.If you thought the OJ trial was a mess watch what a circus this will be.They'll spend 3 years trying to find a bias jury.

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Dave 2N

10-25-2002 18:23:35

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Gary R, (OH), 10-25-2002 13:33:15  
Amen and good response. I'm continually amazed by the number of people who buy into the anti-gun line; they just can't think for themselves.

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10-25-2002 12:29:49

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Fact: England finally wrested the last legal gun away from each private citizen in 1998. Since then, violent crime rates have gone up and there is a very lucrative black market for the private citizen to buy a gun for protection. Fact: In those states and municipalities that have recently enacted right to carry laws e.g. Florida, crime rates have gone down.
Because of budget cuts, municipalities no longer have the cop on the beat. The police cannot protect the average home owner due to the small police force. After you have been robbed and beaten because you cannot protect yourself, the police will arrive and try to find our who dunnit.
My $.02

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10-25-2002 12:16:58

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Thank God the responses to this were sensible. Does this have anything to do with tractors ?? What'd I miss.

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Dan in Tx

10-25-2002 16:28:17

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Lee, 10-25-2002 12:16:58  
Hey Lee, it has everything to do with tractors. Don't people see the erosion of our freedoms in this country. I will bet the farm that the same people who want to take away our guns would love to tell you that you must drive a foreign tractor that uses less fuel or some such hog wash. They already want to take away your right to own SUV'S. Those that want the government to look out for them had better wake up real soon. I guess some folks are just too lazy to pay attention and figure out what is really going on. There is a saying that goes "if you put a frog in bioling water it will jump out, but if you put the frog in cool water and increase the temperature slowly, he won't notice until it is too late and he is boiling". The moral is that these peoples real agenda is not gun control, it is just one step towards taking away your rights. If they tried to take them all at once it would not be accepted. They think that if they can take away a little freedom at a time they can get away with it. Anyone who does not see that we have less freedom today than in the past is blind. They are more than happy to use the victims of violent crime to advance their agenda. And Rick, registration is the first step toward confiscation. Why don't you write the government and tell them what weapons you own if you think it is such a good idea? There is no law stopping you if. Go ahead and set an example for the rest of us. Or did you already turn them in for free tickets to some Guns and Roses concert. What happens after they take away our guns, knives, rocks and anything else we could possibly defend ourselves with, will they consider your tractor a potential weapon and take it away? PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND AMERICA. Sorry to rant but this really touched a nerve.

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10-25-2002 20:34:47

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Dan in Tx, 10-25-2002 16:28:17  
AMEN brother. They get mine when they pry it from my cold grey fingers.

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Dave 2N

10-25-2002 18:30:23

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Dan in Tx, 10-25-2002 16:28:17  
And another "Amen" to a good response! Gun ownership is a Constituional right. When guns are gone, when SUV's are gone, then the same folks will complain about how N's and other tractors cause pollution and waste fuel. It's time for people in this country to wake up and see what is happening in this country before it's too late. Too many goofy liberals have, in the name of political correctness, been allowed to have their way for too long.

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Dan in Tx

10-25-2002 17:05:44

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Dan in Tx, 10-25-2002 16:28:17  
The more I think about it, I am positive it is an attempt to force us to all use NIPPENDENSO starters on our N's.

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Gary R, (OH)

10-25-2002 17:03:29

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Dan in Tx, 10-25-2002 16:28:17  
well put!

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10-25-2002 13:30:03

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Lee, 10-25-2002 12:16:58  
Lee who are you? what's the differnce of this topic and tractors or the other topics ;like Mustanf engines, concrete floor paint, BBQ's, drinking beer, blowing up 8N seats, or deciding what pickup truck to buy? give me your opinion why you would single this topic out?

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10-25-2002 12:25:28

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Lee, 10-25-2002 12:16:58  
Sorry Lee. We all got excited sitting around this pot bellied stove, eating pickles, admiring our 8N's and taking about government policies. We be OK tomorrow.

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10-25-2002 11:24:54

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
I think you're right. Guns don't kill people; people kill people with guns.

Fix the heart and the idiot and let them have guns.

I don't own a gun but I am not an idiot Sirs. I posted this to see what the consensus was. As I typed it, I too was thinking the same thing people kill and use guns to kill.

I still think they ought to have their heads popped off and I agree, have the trial, if found guilty, take em out back and shoot the bastards.


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don t. - 9n180179

10-25-2002 11:33:22

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 11:24:54  
People that kill people have no repect for themselves, let alone anyone else.

People that kill people will kill, be it a gun, bat, knife, what have you.

I think Ted Nugent says it best....Gun control.. putting the second bullet in the same hole as the first.

JMO...don t. ....

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duey in MN

10-25-2002 11:02:35

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Rick, you're an IDIOT. A Sarah Brady clone. If someday you come to your senses, you'll realize that it's an evil heart that drives people to do such things. I have never seen a gun just up and shoot somebody. It was always a bad dude that used the gun as his tool. Have a nice day in your warped world. This is WAY OT, besides.

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Errin OH

10-25-2002 11:00:49

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Funny - outlaw guns, but still kill them?

Hang on gots to get up on the soap box here.....

Guns "in the wrong hands" freed this country and keeps it free from tyrants, dictators and "royal blood lines". Stop trying to punish the innocent, and start going after the criminal. That gun couldn't hurt anyone if somebody doesn't PICK it up, and LOAD it, and POINT it, and PULL the trigger.

and I defy you to prove me wrong..... ..... .

BTW - My thoughts, in smoking gun cases (like this one) - 1 trial, if gulity, go out back and take care of business. End of story. Make the next guy think about it.

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Farmer Tim*8N15513*

10-25-2002 15:57:05

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Ed Gooding (VA), 10-25-2002 10:50:37  
Right On Ed! "When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns". Get out and Vote November 5th Everbody- Vote Freedom!!!

Tim Daley

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10-25-2002 13:06:06

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Ed Gooding (VA), 10-25-2002 10:50:37  
You expressed it well. I'm with you fellers.

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10-25-2002 12:19:29

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Ed Gooding (VA), 10-25-2002 10:50:37  
Well said Ed. Armed assault has increased 52% in the UK since they had their guns taken away. The UK couldn't protect themselves if an assault was made by another country.

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Ed Gooding (VA)

10-26-2002 03:37:49

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 Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Vern-MI, 10-25-2002 12:19:29  
>> The UK couldn't protect themselves if an assault was made by another country. <<

Exactly! And, what's really sad about it is that the Brits aren't paying attention to their own history. We loaned them a ton of rifles when they were worried about the Germans invading in WWII, because their citizens did not have the means to help the military to defend their country. Here they go, doing it again?!

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Dan in Tx

10-26-2002 05:21:16

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Ed Gooding (VA), 10-26-2002 03:37:49  
The even sadder part is that we don't have enough sense to pay attention to their history. We could easily make the same mistake. Oh I forgot, the government can take care of us, we just need to pay more taxes.

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steve MI

10-25-2002 10:47:44

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
I was a cop fo 20 years, retired 18 years ago. what you are saying makes no sense, criminals don't buy guns, they steal them, track them. we have pistol registration in mi, in my 20 years i never saw a case solved by knowing who registered the gun to begin with. regisration leads to confication, look at england and austraila

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R.M.In Al

10-25-2002 22:00:07

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to steve MI, 10-25-2002 10:47:44  
Steve ,we too have registration and have to buy a permit every year.Even though that permit cost 15 dollars its only good in a few places.What is your opinion on permits?If you have to pay to carry a gun,and the constitution says we can have a gun, is that not like paying to vote or paying for free speech.I think the whole permit deal is unconstitional.What do you think? R.M. In AL.

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R.M.In Al

10-25-2002 21:57:29

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to steve MI, 10-25-2002 10:47:44  
Steve ,we too have registration and have to buy a permit every year.Even though that permit cost 15 dollars its only good in a few places.What is your opinion on permits?If you have to pay to carry a gun,and the contitution says we can have a gun, is that not like paying to vote or paying for free speech.I think the whole permit deal is uncontitional.What do you think? R.M. In AL.

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R. MaGoo

10-25-2002 10:33:05

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
Here's a quote you might like:

"1935 will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future."

-- Adolph Hitler

My friend, you are thinking the exact way that the government wants you to think!

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Richie MaGoo

10-25-2002 10:30:47

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
As long as guns exist in the world, criminals will have them. The only thing "gun control" does, is keep them out of the hands of decent folks. A criminal with a gun has a great deal of power over unarmed people. A criminal with a gun has very little or no power against armed victims.

I'm originally from New York City- a place where decent folk can't get guns- so they live with bars on their windows, while the crooks roam the streets freely. Here in KY. where everyone has at least one gun, random crimes like burglary are not much of a factor. We can live life like decent people should, without bars on the windows and 5 dead-bolts on the doors....and if anyone tries to break in, in ther middle of the night, the taxpayers will not have to endure a lengthy trial and support the ba$tard in jail for 20 years....because corpses aren't entitled to a trial!

Sorry to rant- but after having lived under both types of "regimes", I have seen with my own eyes that gun control only puts the criminal in charge.

A criminal doesn't go down to the local gun shop and apply for a permit to buy a gun- only decent law-abiding types do that....so fingerprinting would only be more infringement upon the rights of the law-abiding. Just imagine if the passenger on the planes that crashed into the WTC on 9-11 had been armed....we might still be able to go to Windows On The World for a meal!

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10-25-2002 10:08:54

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 Re: Guns and Roses in reply to Rick, 10-25-2002 09:51:55  
You just pushed my button

Ns kill people when used incorrectly
More folks are killed in auto accidents than by guns.

Outlaw guns and they will use knifes, Outlaw knifes and they will use rocks
And if you can outlaw rocks in south Missouri, we will make you king

Cain killed Abel long before there was a gun

I will shut up now

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10-26-2002 05:55:28

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 Re: Re: Guns and Roses in reply to rbell, 10-25-2002 10:08:54  
Rbell..... Good one

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