First I want to say thank you to the men who repsonded to my question two days ago. I learned a great deal from the replies. Here is why I lost all water pressure and had no water for three days:The well pump was fried. The 300 foot drilled well pump was fried AND the well line that enters into the house was frozen. What came first? the chicken or the egg is my guess. Did the pipe freeze first and the pump kept on running? But here is what else we found: The Merril pitless adapter that ties the water line to the well house about 10 feet below ground was spraying water. We pulled up the pipe again to look at that thinking it was a bad connection but the pitless adapter had a split. We took it over to a friends hose and he brazed the bronze fitting and we reinstalled and connected it to the casing. No one carries them around here anyhow. What came first? the chicken or the egg? The split was not new but seemed to be old and getting worse. Was there loss of pressure from the water coming out of the connection that kept the pump running causing it to burn and then because water was sluggishly moving up the water line to the house maybe it froze too? It is anyones guess. I am also going to install a water line heater that runs inside the pipe about 15 feet from the outside of the house and down grade inside the pipe. It runs off a thermostat and will keep that water line free when the next cold snap arrives this week. I am shoveling snow and banking it up at the house where the water line comes in to help insulate it better. I've gone though more than half of my wood supply too this winter. The pile is getting lean.