Steve W,Yes, I am nuts and went crazy when I fell into the Ford tractor world a few years ago. Yep, sold the 9N, sold the restored Farmall A, sold the restored 850 with restored Sherman backhoe, and now selling my latest project: the Ford Elenco 841 Powermaster on ebay (item number 32059811929 in csae anyone is interested). Life and priorities change and I need to keep up with them or at the very least try to do the right thing. So it goes with where I'm at and what project I am startng next. Yes, after 4 years of living in a decaying camp and convincing the wife I need to learn about Ford tractors she said that your next project is to build a house and it is starting this spring. To build the house I need cash. And having never built a house before I need help. So, here is my personal invitation to the 9/2/8N board to come to NH this summer, bring your tractors for parading, and help me lift walls, lay decking, frame a gambrel roof, install windows....or, maybe I will just auction the wife off on ebay (item numer 36-24-36 in case you are interested) and buy more tractors...or buy back the tractors I sold. Yes, I have had A LOT of heartburn over these tractors. Heartburn over selling them and a lot of fun getting them and refurbishing, restoring, rebuilding, re-fixxing, and re-something-ing to them and it won't be the last. But this Elenco( ebay item number 32059811929 in case you're interested) is some kind of rig. Best one I've owned and best overall mechanical condition after total rebuild. But then again. Karen is pretty good too and at 36-24-36 she was a bargain. Have to give her a lot of credit for being happy when a decayed old 1940 9N sat in the yard a few years ago on a drizzled March morning...and she asked where her Shaker tall clock was. Did I ever tell you that story? 9N'er I can't fi