Hi Rob: I've got just a couple additions to what everyone else said, based on mistakes I made a few years back when I was in exactly your position. I first bought new implements from the local tractor supply store cuz they were easy to find and I thought they'd be better. Most have been ok for what I do, including the middlebuster and the subsoiler. The disk I bought was not: I bought a 4' disk, and while it is "ok" I wouldn't buy another; it is too light so I have to weight it, and it is too narrow...5' would have been better, and an old piece would have been best. I've since learned that the older implements are usually the best (like tractors and tractor owners, I guess!): better built, easier to learn on, easier to use and maintain. So I watch the local farm auctions and spread the word when I am shopping for a new cultivator, rake or what-have-you. Most times, around here, if you can find the piece then you can find it cheap, too. Finally, most important, I think is to ask here or on the implement board for advice before you buy. You'll avoid some of the stupid mistakes I made! have fun and good luck! Tom A