On your NAA, you have a couple choices. You can either use the 134d oil ( or equivalent) in the trans, hyd's, and the final drive ( 3 different sumps.. unlike the 8n ).. or you can use gear oil in the final drive and the 134d oil in the tran and hyds. That is what NH told me when i changed mine earlier this year. I've not had my tranny apart.. but from looking at the exploded diagram in the i&t fo-19.. I would look at shifter forks and rails... also looks for ball/detent/springs.. etc, and excessive wear / obviously damaged parts. Be careful that you don't loose a ball and spring with you pull the cover off, etc. Hyd fill, and rear fill are on the hyd cover, and behind the hyd cover, respctively, and rear level is checked by a pipe plug ont he lower left side... fill it till it runs out the plug. Hyd has a dip stick for level. Tranny is filled by the shifter, and there again is a plug in the right side of the tranny housing about even with the rear of the right side foot rest. fill till it runs out there. Drains are on the bottom, and obvious. If any of the sumps are obviously milky.. might not be bad to spray some kerosene around and let them drain good, or flush with a quart of clean oil at least... I bought (2) 5 gallon pails of universal transdraulic fluid from TSC they were about 25$ each, and lis that they mee the 134d specs.. etc. Had enough do do my Naa and NH 1920, with some left over. Soundguy