Don't get me wrong.. there was no 'robery' occouring .. Just I would like to see N's prices average a bit better than they do. I, just like you, tend to see prices here in the south that are higher than the farm belt people. For instance.. While many report buying running N's in the low 2'.. I see most runnint N's in the low 3's.. and an ocasional real beater that will run for 2500. The difference in 2n/9 differs slightly.. for instance ever now and then you see a running 9/2n that needs seals or something inthe low 2's.. but if it has new rubber.. or a sherman tran.. it will be 2800.. etc. I lucked out on my NAA.. it is the cheapest tractor I've ever bought.. 2000.. Got it because it was ugly, and needed mucho TLC.. but overall.. was mechanically sound enough to operate... ( 1 sticky brake.. one bad tire, loose alternator bracket that squealed.. lots of bailing wire.. etc. Cosmetics don't bother me... neither do bolt on parts.. major problems with castings, and or large ticket items are a concern due to their cost to repair... ( fir instance.. that one bad rear on my NAA was a 16.9 x 24 big flotation style turf.. and cost about 480 by the time I had it removed, rim sanded, new tube and tire, booting, and old tire disposal. Not a hard repair ( I let the tire store do it.. but it was hard on the wallet.. ).. So I should really figure the cost basis of that tractor at 2500 when i think about it.. as that and a few nuts and bolts are what made it 'operational'. besides the cosmetic restoration.. etc. ) Soundguy