This is a true story , On a hot summer day back in july i begain having problems with the hyd, on my 8n not being real familer on hyd i decided to call my local tractor repair place they told me this was not a problem and could have my tractor repaired and back within two weeks to which i agreed. they came in a big fancy truck to pick up my little tractor which i kissed on the hood a told it would be ok , see this was the first time my little 8n has left home in 20yrs. I waved as i saw them leave having an sinking feeling in my stomach. Two weeks went rather quickly and i was most ready to see my little tractor, but two weeks came an went then three , a month, 6 weeks , still no tractor. I called the repair shop to no avail always a different answer after the sixth week i paid a visit to the local repair shop to find it closed . I looked through the window and saw my little tractor sitting in the cornor by itself nothing appeared to be done. Now 2 mo. has passed and i got ahold of the owner of the shop , just by showing up on his door step he assured me they was working hard on my little tractor and i would have it within the week , oh the thought of it , the joy almost overcame me. Well another 2weeks passed and as you guessed no tractor, then the funniest thing happned i came home from work to find a tractor sitting in my driveway it being dark i thought they have brought her back finally but upon closer inspection it was an imposter, they brung me a fergson 30 , did they belive i was this nieve. Holy smokes i called the next morning to which they said we sent you a loaner in case you needed a tractor, i asked where is mine having problems getting parts was the reply. At christmas i made a life size cardboard cutout of my little tractor and set it in the spot where it is usually parked just so i wouldnt forget what it looked like. Now its march and the little fergeson is growing on me , it is in better shape then my 8n but not the same as my little tractor. I guess the moral to the story is dont let your tractor go home with strangers ...