Zane, I recently did an insurance job for a neighbor in which I replaced the outdoor condensing unit with a matching "A" coil.I went back to the residence to paint the "Armaflex" insulation that covers the suction pipe. We always paint the insulation with white oil based paint to slow down deterioration. The customer had wrapped window screen around the condenser in hopes to keep grass clippings from being sucked into the coil. When the tenant mowes the lawn he always blows the clippings into the air conditioning unit. I recommended to the owner that he remove the screen to eliminate too-high head pressures. I said that just wash out the unit from time to time with his garden hose. The owner said that it was HIS equipment and he would RATHER leave the screen ON. OK, I voided the warranty on the equipment! I informed the owner that the only thing that I would do, if it was my equipment, was to put a picket fence around the condensing unit to keep stray dogs and cats from "lifting their leg, or urinating on the coils.