SS..... ...I told you that your Digital Voltmeter leads were acting like an antenna and picking up sparkies from your ignition while the motor is running. I told you that Marconi's first radio transmitter was a spark-gap. And the difference between a radio sparkgap and sparkplug gap is???.....NOT MUCH. Your posting is still consistant with failed Voltage Regulator. All this other meter stuff is technical stuff to confuse you. You might find it interesting to use a real AM transistor radio (the cheaper the better), tuned to NO STATION, and go sniffing around your sparkie wires. Bettcha radio goes nuttz too....rattat.tat.tat.tat...ignition noise. You might even find that your sparkie wires are leaking sparkies. You doubt? When it is very dark tonite, go out and start yer tractor up and watch for blue sparkies dancing on your old dried out and cracked ignition insulation. Replace with new coppercore sparkplug wiring kit ($10 cheap), cut to fit. Don't use modern anti-radio static carboncore sparkplug wiring. When I replaced my sparkie wires 10 yrs ago, I used a hot-rod sparkie wire kit for Pontiac V-8 because it had molded right-angle sparkie boots and modern silicone insulation to keep the sparkies from leaking out..... ...Dell the self-appointed sparkie-meister