09-29-2004 06:55:13
Now that I know what to lube the old proofmeter cable I got for my Dad's 1963 Ford 2000 tractor, I have another question. When I started working on his tractor, I worked on the electrical and engine to get it running, didn't run for two years prior. After I got it running, I made a list of things he needed, one being a new proofmeter cable as his had the outside sheath, but no inside cable. Got him an aftermarket plastic sheathed one, screwed it in on both ends, and started it up. His proofmeter tach needle was kinda jumpy, but worked. After about 30 minutes of brush hogging, I noticed the tach was not working again, looked down and it had unscrewed from where it hooks to the engine. Screwed it back in when I shut it down, but could not get it to work again. The cable was fine, so I assumed the connection on the engine side got "wallard out" and the slot would not hold the flattened end of the proofmeter cable securely. If this is indeed the case, can it be fixed or repaired? My Dad lives 250 miles or so away, and it is hard to run by to fix his tractor up. I got a "new" original proofmeter cable off eBay that is in great shape, and I was hoping it may have been the old vs. new design as well.TIA, Dan