Izzy..... ..Your 1949 8N has a 1-terminal squarecan ignition coil is wirebailed clipped to the top of your 4-nipple frontmount distributor. Iff'n you have a 1-wire Delco alternator, you most definately have a built-in voltage regulator. Besides being cheap, its the built-in voltage regulator that makes eather the 3-wire or 1-wire version Delco popular for conversion purposes. Just remember, it takes about 1800 rpms (3/4 throttle) to self-excite the 1-wire alternator. Once excited, it will charge at near idle. You do know that its a 2-bolt 15 minute job to remove your frontmount distributor to change the points, don't you? Just unsnap the 4-nipple crabcap and letter dangle and unbolt the distributor and taker into the kitchen table and replace the points and gapp'em 0.015". While your setting at the table, gently stretch your coils thingy for more consistant contact with the points feedthru screw. Re-installation is just as eazy, finger install the 2-bolts and rotate the rotor around until its off-set tangs drops into the camshaft drive slot. Then tighen the 2-bolts, and clippie the crabcap back on. Simple, eh? ..... ..... .Dell, a 12 volt advocate for the right reasons