Salty..... NEVER HURTS to do a compression test. You could have some "stuck" intake valves that could be the reason for the blowback thru the carb. Compression check will identify that. Its not uncommon for seldom use equipment to gitt stuck valves and its really eazy to clean with Marvel Mystery Oil. You do know that it is a 2-bolt 15 minute finnagle to remove your frontmount distributor to change the points, don't you? Just "un-snap" the 4-nipple cap and letter dangle. Carry into kitchen table and change points, gap = 0.015" Reinstallation is a reversal of the removal, except gently finger install the 2-bolt and then turn rotor until the "off-set" tang drive drops into the camshaft drive slot. Now, tighten the 2-bolts and snap yer crabcap on. Remember 4-nipple frontmount firing order is 1,2,4,3 CCW..... .that means: sparkie #1 connects to nipple #1 at 10 o'clock sparkie #2 connects to nipple #2 at 8 o'clock simple, eh? now PAY ATTENTION 'cuz it gitts tricky here sparkie #4 connects to nipple #3 at 4 o'clock sparkie #3 connects to nipple #4 at 2 o'clock Firing order 1,2,4,3 CCW, isn't that amazing? ..... ....Dell, the self-appointed sparkie-meister