03-05-2005 00:08:44
Re: Pull startin' in reply to 8ngreenhorn, 03-04-2005 15:08:00
i had same problem , tractor would not start conventional way , but i was pulling it over to a mechanic, i told her i was going to let the clutch out as soon as we got moving in a little bit , it started right away. but when i got to the garage i shut it off and it wouldnt start again the regular way, i have a 1940 ford 9n. my mechanic said i probably have a short in the wiring tube , from the resistor to the starter and generator. and was shorting itself out back to itself. so he bypassed a couple of wires and now it starts in a split second. he said i should take the time to put all new wiring that i could get at. all of it. start at the battery and work your way through the tractor, one wire at a time. make sure you are using heavy enough wire so you dont burn through it. you dont have to over do it . just when you are around the starter, resistor,generator,battery cable, starter to starter button. just ask a parts guy , and try and use wires that are different colors for each catagory , its easier to trace. its worth the time. and who knows it could solve your problem. also there is the points,condenser,coil, replace this stuff as you go . if you want a good reliable tractor, and one that looks good spend time on it. take off the gas lines and blow them out, dont leave them on the carb etc. put new rubber hoses, fan belt and tighten correctly, drain gas tank and flush of debris. all new filters, see if there is a working thermostat, they are cheap. actually all this is relatively inexpensive. then you know what you got. and above all keep it clean. last of all if you dont have a fix it manual , there is the I and T ford shop manual. available thru this site or a farm supply in your area. make sure you get the right one for your model, it will pay for itself. good luck on your tractor. this site is fantastic, there are so many people that really have good information. and use alot of there own time to help us uneducated in the art of tractor repair. abjahnke or doc ps. also change your oils , the engine oil quite often, especially the air filter cup if you have one. this is way different than the new car, it takes much more care. i should also mention there are a few hidden gas filters so find them and replace them , drain the bowl of the carb too.the one bolt on the bottom. after all this your fuel flow should be much better too. also as i said before when you have done this work yourself you know where the problem isnt. just have fun.there is also serveral places the send out parts catalogs for vintage tractors, and the parts include pictures thats a plus. just read the forums on yesterdays tractors for that info or ask for it. bye