Greenie..... ....think about it, where does yer choke gitt itts gas? from the carb-bowl, right? and where does yer carb-bowl gitt itts gass? from the fuelline elbow, right? and where does the elbow filter gitt itts gass? from the glass bowl filter, right? and where does the glass bowl gitt its gass? from the up-inside the fueltank filter. So check yer fuelfilters first, glass bowl and elbow. And then iff'n yer fuelline don't flow likka ol'man p*ssin' then blow-up the fuelline to unclogg yer inside the fueltank filter. Iff'n it don't flow freely ...then... remove yer undertank fuelvalve after draining yer gas and inspect yer non-replaceable cylinderical screen filter for crud-clog. Iff'n screen filter has desolved, then byte the bullett and replace the WHOLE FUELVALVE ASSY. Simple, eh? BUT.....I don't think thats yer problem. Needin' to run onnna choke is indicative of 2-seperate possible problems. Leaky intake manifold gasketts ...or... weak sparkies. To check fer leaky gasketts; spray WD-40 all-over yer manifold gasketts everywheres. (carb and block) The oil in WD-40 will seal enny leaks temporarily, then starter-up. Iff'n ya don't needda choke to keep runnin', then ya gotts leaky gasketts somewheres. Iff'n ya still need full choke to keep runnin, then mor'n likely ya gottz WEAK SPARKIES!!! You doubt? Make a calibrated sparkie tester outta enny ol'sparkie by bending the side electrode out for a full 3/16" gapp. Clamp yer sparkie metal shell to enny handy engine brackett/bolt and then plug enny sparkie wire to toppa sparkie-tester. NOW try and start yer tractor engine and WATCH yer sparkie-tester. Doo yer sparkies jump the gapp with blue-snott authority? or are they a weak redish/orangish excuse of a wimpy sparkie? Weak sparkies? Start with new points, gapped 0.015". You do know ittza 2-bolt, 15-minute finnagle to remove yer frontmount squarecan distributor to change yer points on the kitchen table, don't you? Just un-snap yer 4-nipple cap and litter dangle. Unbolt and carry to table. Replacement is a reversal of the removal, ...except... finger start yer 2-bolts and then twist yer off-sett tang driven rotor untill it falls into the camshaft drive slot; now tighten yer bolts and snapp-on yer crab-cap. Simple, eh?..... .....respectfully, Dell yer self-appointed sparkie-meister