Hi, I hear from you folks that an ORC is something to have for brush hogging. Is this the adapter that makes the pto of the hog fit to the tractor pto? What does the ORC look like, any pics? What should I look for when I go to buy one? Is Quality Farm ok to buy from for this or should I go to my New Holland dealer? Anything else I should know about a ORC? Thanks for all the good Hog saftey advice in the posts...I have run the 5' hog for the past two years on the 8N in 3' high briars, weeds and such and I have been safe about it...I want to make sure that I have a good set up though. So far I have found that it is a lot less dusty to hog when things are green and not brown, aobut three mowings a year keeps the weeds and any tiny trees trying to grow in check, sometimes it's best to not mow the full 5' at once, and I never try to mow someplace I haven't walked a few times...also I carry a cell phone and have a friend a good distance away with a pick-up and watching over, just in case. Thanks guys.